September 12 (Thursday) Measurement Lab
Nobel Conference
Mr. Akemann placed information to the science teachers for the Nobel Conference this year. This information included preliminary information to the students interested in going, application to attend as a member, and one Conference Guide.
If you were gone today:
You will find the materials to do the lab behind the Physics rooms. Bring someone who has done it and collect the data.
Time to Work on Physics 500
I will demonstrate how to hand in labs by sliding them (dumping them) in the R drive for me to grade and give you 10 minutes to work on the labs.
The Measurement Lab
Same lab partners as the Physics 500 Lab
Your Physics 500 lab can have one graph for the two of you. Also, if you slide into the R: you do NOT need a
diagram for the procedure and if you use excel you do NOT need a cover page.
If you have access to a printer, you MAY turn in a hard copy but I think it is usually easier to slide into the correct folder in the R: drive.
If possible, try to turn both labs in before you leave this week so I can get them graded over the weekend.
Your Physics 500 lab can have one graph for the two of you. Also, if you slide into the R: you do NOT need a
diagram for the procedure and if you use excel you do NOT need a cover page.
If you have access to a printer, you MAY turn in a hard copy but I think it is usually easier to slide into the correct folder in the R: drive.
If possible, try to turn both labs in before you leave this week so I can get them graded over the weekend.