If you missed today:
1. The Main Topic Today was superconductivity. Here are four videos that can help explain the significance of superconductivity.
If you would like an explanation of superconductivity (click here)
2. Here are two videos of Mr. Flasch demonstrating superconductivity.
Here are two classroom videos of what happens to a racketball when one tries bouncing it hard against the floor after being in liquid nitrogen for a short while.
3. We handed out the parental permission form for Great America so make sure you pick up a form from the basket in back of the classroom when you return.
4. We also handed out Albert Einstein masks for you to prepare your mask for next Thursday (Einstein look alike day). Extra credit is awarded by random teachers from each department that catch you wearing the Einstein mask throughout the day. The mask have to be covering your face at the time the teacher first sees you to count. You may dress like Einstein also and not wear the mask, if you wish. Mask 1 or Mask 2
5. Captain Jenkins shows three unusual (in addition to the magnet freefalling down the copper pipe) Lenz's Law demonstrations. Remember that he uses aluminum in all these demonstrations which is NOT magnetic but is a good conductor so when the magnetic field moves past the aluminum, a 2nd magnetic field is generated that repels the original moving field thus slowing the movement of either the magnet or the non-magnetic conductor (aluminum).
Lenz's Pendulum
Lenz's Slide
Lenz's rotating disk