Racoons (the only animal pre-prepared for the pandemic with its mask always on)
Racoon gets drink of water during daught. Note dates always.
Note how the racoon hands the item, I think the reason is because fire ants are on the item and the racoon is knocking the fire ants off. I didn't realize that animals have the same problems with fire ants and porcupine quills and skunks as us humans do.
This racoon has three reflective marks on him/her?
This racoon maybe licking the pile of salt that he/she has their nose in.
This racoon picks up a piece of apple and carries it into the camera.
This racoon lifts the older deer mineral block.
Adorable Racoons
This racoon puts on a show for us as he stands at the beginning and the end of this video.
This racoon finds a piece of crusty bread to eat.