Electrostatics (Day 1)
After the virtue card, I went around the classroom and showed the pop can rolling up a long sheet of house insulation pink board after being rubbed by a rabbit fur. Then showing that touching the electrostatic lamps doesn't hurt. Then rubbing the plastic bag ring with a rabbit fur and a pvc pipe, then whipping the plastic bag ring up into the air (so it doesn't stick to neutral me) and using the pvc pipe to keep it hoovering for a long period of time.
Lets upload a half dozen cool videos of 2013-2014 students hair rising while touching the Van de Graph Generator.
I rated Lauren's the highest vertical hair video
I ranked Solveig's 2nd best
3rd place for me was Sadie's
Dana's never had a bad hair day before holding a Van de Graaf Generator
Brianna enjoys the danger of the moment, she's not scared at all.
Charity is a great sport
3rd quarter is Ms. Wernicke Wednesday
Sean always volunteers to do any class demo. I say: Would someone volunteer; and before I start the word volunteer, up goes Sean's hand
Caleb is always paying attention in Physics
Handy Andy is the most volunteered by his peers. (Marshall usually volunteers him)
Electrostatics (Day 1)
If you missed today: 2012-2013 below
1. We finished up the magnetism study sheet and collected it
2. We watched a 21 minute video called Sparks & Shocks and filled in a worksheet with questions that followed the video. If you did not see the video pick up a blank question sheet from our leftovers basket and search the internet for answers to as many as you can find. Mention on the sheet how many you couldn't find yourself and had to copy from the key below. We collected the Sparks & Shocks sheet with all your answers filled in.
Sparks & Shocks Blank Sheet Sparks & Shocks Key
Sparks & Shocks Blank Sheet Sparks & Shocks Key
3. We went around the classroom and showed three new electrostatic toys to play with and think about.
the sheet of insulation and the empty rolling soda can
Rub the piece of insulation with a rabbit fur the long way fast and hard for a few seconds. Set the can on its side on either end so it can roll if it wishes to. If it rolls off the far side place it on the far side and see what happens. Experiment by waving your hand to one side or the other to see what happens. Try a variety of experiments with it on your own. What causes the can to behave the way it does? What's negative, what's neutral, what's charged?
the electrostatic lamps
Gently touch the outside glass anywhere on the lamp and watch what happens...why do you think this happens...
the pvc pipe and the plastic bag ring hovering above the pipe
set the plastic ring on table and rub electrons off rabbit fur onto ring----then pick up pvc pipe and rub it with the same fur----finally pick up the ring and throw into the air and keep pvc under it to control the ring hovering. Keep it away from anything neutral because a charged object is attracted to a neutral object. (You are neutral)
4. We rubbed a balloon with a fur and stuck it to the cupboard proving that charged is attracted to a neutral. As the negatively charged balloon approaches the neutral wall the electrons on the surface of the wall are repelled back so the front surface is positive (this is called polarization) and so the negatively charged balloon sticks to the positive surface of the neutral cupboard.
5. Finally we showed how a Vande Graph generator works. We took the top off and showed how a large wide rubber band was rolled quickly so the rubbing on the bottom carried electrons to the top and deposited them there.
When a student stands on an insulated stool and places their hand on the Vande Graph Generator and it is turned on, the student picks up the same negative charge as the machine and since their hair is negative, the hairs can only stand up to get the furthest away from each other. Then the student stood down and the charge went into the Earth (grounded) through their feet. The student was not hurt in any way.
When a student stands on an insulated stool and places their hand on the Vande Graph Generator and it is turned on, the student picks up the same negative charge as the machine and since their hair is negative, the hairs can only stand up to get the furthest away from each other. Then the student stood down and the charge went into the Earth (grounded) through their feet. The student was not hurt in any way.