Welcome to smile2340.com
Hi, I am Paul M. Konichek, a newly retired Physics/Astronomy/Math/Programming teacher after 40 years of teaching grades 10-16.
The SPASH Physics programmed developed by Mr. Jim Weidner & Mr. Tim Wright was so popular that I kept it after they retired and placed the entire curriculum on this website under the tab Physics. Here you'll find videos of students enjoying learning Physics. This course is very hands-on thus lots of activities, demonstrations (with students doing them many times), and labs. All the handouts, worksheets, labs, reviews, and test are available for your use. I believe great ideas should be shared freely with the entire world. Enjoy the Physics program.
The Astronomy Program at SPASH was also well liked by students. It was so well liked that one year we had nine sections of Astronomy (270 students). I did not have time to place the entire Astronomy program in this website but you will discover short videos of some of my best material under the tab GNATS and much more interesting information.