In 2013-2014 we did the pile driver lab: If you missed today, watch the video below and then ask a classmate for data from this lab so you can complete the calculations and questions and hand it in. The video below was taken Pd. 8 and row 3 was in charge.
If you missed today in 2012-2013 we did all of the below work:
We finished starting problems 1-6 on the homework sheet and assigned 7-11 for tomorrow:
Next we finished up yesterdays Mechanical Equivalent of Heat Lab so that you could turn in both Mondays Power Driver Lab and yesterdays Mechanical Equiv. of Heat Lab
Power Driver Lab data for anyone who needs it
Mechanical Equivalent of Heat Lab data for anyone who needs it
Then today we did the Power Lab in groups of two (I let you picked your own partner)
Power Lab Blank so hand in the last two labs stapled (each 10 pt. quickie labs with conclusions and summaries) today and (if you get it done today, otherwise tomorrow) the Power Lab with the two questions answered (one per lab group) today also.
Here is Nate and Kevin's Power Lab start with Kevin timing as an example for today
the Videos below will show how to do the Power Roll Off Lab