the 1/8 Fredrick C. Savage makes you mostly English as his ancestry were some of the original pilgrams to settle here in the U.S. before we were a country. Before England mostly France. Before France some German, Scottish, Irish, and Belgium in one of the many branches. Before all these Italian. I stopped there.
the 1/8 Janet Burleigh makes you some English (so original pilgrims) and one Scottish branch in early 1600's
the 1/8 LeRoy Good ancestry is very interesting as it was Gutt in the 1500's in Switzerland then changed to just Gut in the mid 1600's in Germany and then to Guth while still in Germany but when Jacob Guth II immigrated to Pennsylvania, British America he named his son Jacob Good III born in 1722 in Pennsylvania and Jacob Good III died 9 Aug 1979 Huckleerry Hall, Washington Co., Maryland (click here for following LeRoy Good's top branch)
(Click here for LeRoy Charles Good's Obituary)
the 1/8 Marie (?) (deFlores) Good is still living but her folks were already passed when she was two years old and she was raised by the babysitter so she remembers nothing about her parents. Her parents were Miguel Flores & Nicanara (?) Flores but it dead ends here so far. Marie has a brother Victor Flores so I'll try that lead next. Marie's birth certificate has Mary R. Flores on it but LeRoy's obituary has Marie deFlores on it. (Click here for LeRoy's mother's obituary) (Click here for LeRoy & Marie's son Kyle's obituary)
the 1/8 Leo F Konichek makes you some Bohemian from dad and again Bohemian & Czech from his mom.
the 1/8 Dorothy L Clark paternal makes you some French, Flemisch, Dutch, Danish, Spanish. Maternal side also a quarter Dutch but a quarter German and half English of the Maternal side.
the 1/8 John Jancik makes you some Czech pretty much.
the 1/8 Joycelyn Ann Wald makes you some mainly German but in 1651 on one branch starts some Dutch.
the 1/8 Janet Burleigh makes you some English (so original pilgrims) and one Scottish branch in early 1600's
the 1/8 LeRoy Good ancestry is very interesting as it was Gutt in the 1500's in Switzerland then changed to just Gut in the mid 1600's in Germany and then to Guth while still in Germany but when Jacob Guth II immigrated to Pennsylvania, British America he named his son Jacob Good III born in 1722 in Pennsylvania and Jacob Good III died 9 Aug 1979 Huckleerry Hall, Washington Co., Maryland (click here for following LeRoy Good's top branch)
(Click here for LeRoy Charles Good's Obituary)
the 1/8 Marie (?) (deFlores) Good is still living but her folks were already passed when she was two years old and she was raised by the babysitter so she remembers nothing about her parents. Her parents were Miguel Flores & Nicanara (?) Flores but it dead ends here so far. Marie has a brother Victor Flores so I'll try that lead next. Marie's birth certificate has Mary R. Flores on it but LeRoy's obituary has Marie deFlores on it. (Click here for LeRoy's mother's obituary) (Click here for LeRoy & Marie's son Kyle's obituary)
the 1/8 Leo F Konichek makes you some Bohemian from dad and again Bohemian & Czech from his mom.
the 1/8 Dorothy L Clark paternal makes you some French, Flemisch, Dutch, Danish, Spanish. Maternal side also a quarter Dutch but a quarter German and half English of the Maternal side.
the 1/8 John Jancik makes you some Czech pretty much.
the 1/8 Joycelyn Ann Wald makes you some mainly German but in 1651 on one branch starts some Dutch.
Ava to Eve
The idea here came about because in following one route in of my Grandma Carrie (Clark) Clark - Yager (Ava's maternal side) back, the heritage went all the way to Judah (Patriarch) 1918BC - 1692 BC and I knew I could use the Bible in Mathew and/or Luke to take it the rest of the way to Adam. All this was recorded by hand but then I could not figure out a way to take the volume of written work to this webpage.
However, after much time and effort, and not taking the same route, using my same relative in I was able to go from my Grandma Carrie all the way back to Adam & Eve this time. So now I had a complete word file (using ctrl prt sc in that I could save as a PDF file and attach it to this webpage.
How I did this in is if I came to a dead end where asked for all four sets of parents I backed up until I hit a place where I could chose a lower branch (previously always chose the top branch if I had more than one option to proceed) to see if this branch dead ended and if it did I'd back up to where I could chose a lower branch again until finally one possible route to me all the way to Adam. By the way this took hours for each my daughters side and again for my son-in-laws side.
And then I went into Ava's paternal side and again after much time and effort taking hundreds of possible routes before getting all the way to Adam & Eve again. Then I backed up to a four way branch finding two more took me to Adam & Eve so recorded them for your viewing pleasure also.
But before I let you see these four of ten of thousands of routes that should all take you back to Noah (the great flood recognized by all ancient nationalities and modern day science) and then back to Adam before the flood I want to stop and reflect about what is happening here.
When I searched the cloud for how many generations from Adam till now I ran across and John basically (after much explaination about how he arrived at this figure) said, "These make for a total number of generations from Adam to us as minimum 129, maximum 161, but as we are estimating we can allow further tolerance by rounding down and up to 120 and 170 respectively."
John MacKay also says, "Abraham was born approximately 2000 years after Adam's creation, a period covered in just 20 generations, including both Adam and Abraham." and gives his reasons of the long lifespans pre-great-flood and not having children till like 100 years old (unheard of today).
When I was figuring how many total grandparents for our infant granddaughter I knew that she has two grandparents in the second generation, and four great grandparents in the 3rd, and eight grandparents in the 4th, ect. so using this pattern she has 2^(n-1) grandparents total where n = the number of generations from our granddaughter counting her mom & dad as n = 1.
The catch is that everyone has to be related to Noah as Noah is the oldest generation to survive the great flood and his three sons and their wives. So everyone of us came from one of the three sons through Noah. Now just as the formula above exponentially increased by the power of 2 from our granddaughter, half way through the generations to Noah the number of grandparents would exponentially decrease by the power of 2. John Mackay says that the generations from Christ to today is 65 minimum and 86 maximum (we'll take the 86 maximum). To cut to the chase, here is the break up of generations between important segments all rounded up.
Today 86 generations to Christ then 55 to Abraham then 11 more generations to Noah finally 9 to Adam & Eve.
Total number of grandparents we would all have from Adam & Eve to Noah = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 to Noah's father, making a total of 46 grandparents before the great flood.
Then after the great flood to now would be 86 + 55 + 11 = 152 generations divided by 2 (explained two paragraphs ago) = 76 generations of exponential growth and 76 generations of exponential decay of grandparents. To figure this out would be 2 ^75 + 2^74 + 2^73 + ... 2^0 times 2 = 151,116,000,000,000,000,000,000 + 46 above makes
151 sextillion 116 quitillion 46 grandparents total for our granddaughter since Adam & Eve.
Did you ever hear the story about what the inventor of chess asked the king for his payment? He asked for the amount of wheat such that the they put one grain of wheat on the 1st square of a chess board and two grains on the 2nd square and four on the 3rd, and eight on the 4th, doubling each time for each of the 64 squares. "The ruler laughs it off as a meager prize for a brilliant invention, only to have court treasurers report the unexpectedly huge number of wheat grains would outstrip the ruler's resources." Again, a simular story, "I'd ask my students which payscale they'd rather have me pay them (this is back in the 1970's & 80's) for 30 days I could either #1 pay them a straight $10 per hour for eight hours a day, seven days a week, for the consecutive 30 days or #2 pay them a penny the first day, two cents the second day, four cents the third day, doubling each day for the 30 days. All my students chose the 1st payscale as they could easily see that in the first six days they'd only make 63 cents (less than a $1) for way #2 but $480 the payscale #1 method. Then I had them figure the total pay for way #1 ($2,400) and what they'd make for just the last six days for payscale #2 (well over a billion dollars). The point is that obviously Ava cannot have 2^75 (this is two raised to the 75th power) grandparents which I'll explain more further down this page.
Here are examples of some of these branch possibilities:
click here to see from my grandmother Carrie (Clark) Clark - Yager to Adam & Eve. (Note: missing our granddaughter, her mom, myself, and my mom for generations to get to Carrie (Clark) Clark - Yager.) I counted 121 generations in the file above plus my mom and myself makes 123 generations of grandparents to Noah. My research resulted in around 2 million grandparents for Ava since Adam & Eve.
click here to see from my son-in-laws grandmother to Adam & Eve. (Note: missing our granddaughter, her daddy, and her grandfather to get to Janet Burleigh) To keep the privacy of the living I deleted the 1st chart but will type the tree line followed here: granddaughter, son-in-law, his father, his father’s mother Janet Burleigh, her mom Clara M Lee, her dad Sumner Lee, his mom Abbie Josephine Tilton, and finally it picks up at her dad Jonathan Tuck Tilton below. I counted and there are 136 generations from our granddaughter to Eve inclusive.
2^136 seems way to large to me so let me think on it overnight as it takes about 1 X 10^30 grains of sand to fill a sphere the size of planet Earth and the above is 9.2 X 10^19 and the population of the earth right now on 9/24/2017 at 9:50 pm is 7,569,727,467 so that's 12,186,270,176 times the current population of planet Earth is how many total grandparents our daughter has. This does not compute to me so back to the drawing board as something is dreadfully wrong with my math? I just checked the web and the reference bureau estimates that about 107 billion people have ever lived so that's 2 ^ 36.63881984 people have ever walked the Earth in powers of 2 and they are not all my granddaughters grandparents as she only has 6 living out of 12 grandparents in the living generations today of the 7.569727467 billion people alive today.
I still could not figure out my dilemma of how many grandparents I have in the history of mankind on Earth (or my goal is how many our infant granddaughter has) so I googled it. The top site was
In the above site they explain that,
"Whoever it was probably lived a few thousand years ago, somewhere in East Asia — Taiwan, Malaysia and Siberia all are likely locations.He — or she — did nothing more remarkable than be born, live, have children and die.
Yet this was the ancestor of every person now living on Earth — the last person in history whose family tree branches out to touch all 6.5 billion people on the planet today.
That means everybody on Earth descends from somebody who was around as recently as the reign of Tutankhamen, maybe even during the Golden Age of ancient Greece. There's even a chance that our last shared ancestor lived at the time of Christ.
"It's a mathematical certainty that that person existed," said science journalist Steve Olson, whose 2002 book "Mapping Human History" traces the history of the species since its origins in Africa more than 100,000 years ago."
The article goes on to say, "With the help of a statistician, a computer scientist and a supercomputer, Olson has calculated just how interconnected the human family tree is.
You would have to go back in time only 2,000 to 5,000 years — and probably on the low side of that range — to find somebody who could count every person alive today as a descendant.
Furthermore, Olson and his colleagues have found that if you go back a little farther — about 5,000 to 7,000 years ago — everybody living today has exactly the same set of ancestors.
In other words, every person who was alive at that time is either an ancestor to all 6 billion people living today, or their line died out and they have no remaining descendants.
That revelation is "especially startling," statistician Jotun Hein of England's Oxford University wrote in a commentary on the research published by the journal Nature.
"Had you entered any village on Earth in around 3,000 B.C., the first person you would have met would probably be your ancestor," Hein marveled.
It also means that all of us have ancestors of every color and creed. Every Palestinian suicide bomber has Jews in his past. Every Sunni Muslim in Iraq is descended from at least one Shiite. And every Klansman's family has African roots."
And here is where my math above proves the above statement has to be mathematically true. Here is how the above article goes onto explain it: "
It's simple math. Every person has two parents, four grandparents and eight great-grandparents. Keep doubling back through the generations — 16, 32, 64, 128 — and within a few hundred years you have thousands of ancestors.
It's nothing more than exponential growth combined with the facts of life. By the 15th century you've got a million ancestors. By the 13th you've got a billion. Sometime around the 9th century — just 40 generations ago — the number tops a trillion.
But wait. How could anybody — much less everybody — alive today have had a trillion ancestors living during the 9th century?
The answer is, they didn't. Imagine there was a man living 1,200 years ago whose daughter was your mother's 36th great-grandmother, and whose son was your father's 36th great-grandfather. That would put him on two branches on your family tree, one on your mother's side and one on your father's.
In fact, most of the people who lived 1,200 years ago appear not twice, but thousands of times on our family trees, because there were only 200 million people on Earth back then.
Simple division — a trillion divided by 200 million — shows that on average each person back then would appear 5,000 times on the family tree of every single individual living today.
But things are never average. Many of the people who were alive in the year 800 never had children; they don't appear on anybody's family tree. Meanwhile, more prolific members of society would show up many more than 5,000 times on a lot of people's trees.
Keep going back in time, and there are fewer and fewer people available to put on more and more branches of the 6.5 billion family trees of people living today. It is mathematically inevitable that at some point, there will be a person who appears at least once on everybody's tree."
If you note the family trees I have at the top, that trace my daughter and my son-in-law sides of our granddaughter back to Adam, their ancestry merges at places well before Noah and the great flood. I also noticed when you trace any individual living today back far enough that we are all related to royality as to trace it that far back only the royality decendents were kept track of (make sense?).
Here again it took the field of mathematics to prove a fact that most living people today would deny that is: (again a quote from the above article: "..."Had you entered any village on Earth in around 3,000 B.C., the first person you would have met would probably be your ancestor," Hein marveled.
It also means that all of us have ancestors of every color and creed. Every Palestinian suicide bomber has Jews in his past. Every Sunni Muslim in Iraq is descended from at least one Shiite. And every Klansman's family has African roots."
Another way to put it is that the calculated 92 quintillion grandparents of our granddaughter is made up almost entirely of duplicates as are many of the two branches I've placed above. Here they are again so you need not scroll up.
click here to see from my grandmother Carrie (Clark) Clark - Yager to Adam & Eve.
click here to see from my son-in-laws grandmother to Adam & Eve.
Isn't math wonderful. Hopefully this can help all of us realize we are all related much closer than we ever realized and this fact can bring about lasting peace on Earth. Now if we can only stop the quarrels within our own family households for starts. It all starts by me shaking out my own front door mat.
As an Astronomer I've always told my students that if countries on Earth fought each other in war the war would stop if Martians attacked Earth as we'd have to become allies to fight the Martians. But then if another solar system (let's say the planets around Polaris) attacked our solar system the Martians & Earthlings would have to become allies. But if aliens from the Andromeda Gallaxy attacked our Milky Way Gallaxy we'd have to be allies with the Polaris solar system people and other solar systems in our Milky Way Gallaxy to fight them. But if our Virgo Supercluster of Galaxies were attacked by another Supercluster group of Gallaxies we'd have to allie again with our Virgo Supercluster...etc
I guess we have to start with getting along with ourselves (have to love yourself first) and work out from there. Time for me to love myself by taking the time to exercise my body now (even if I can only squeaze a racket ball in my hand if I am unable to turn over in bed, story in next paragragh) and plan healthy meals for my body and then I can be a much better help to the people (who even if they are strangers, are actually not strangers because we all share a common ancestry not as far back as you may think) I run across today. Have a great day, I WILL no matter what my circumstances.
OK, the story of squeezing the racket ball. Back in the 1980's, I walked from the high school I was teaching at, a few blocks to a nursing home. I walked up to the nurses station of one wing and asked which patient on their wing had no visitors (family or friends) and both nurses replied, "Lucy!" without having to give it much thought. I told them that I'd attempt to be Lucy's friend. They replied that it would be highly unlikely and that she'd probably throw items at me if I entered her room. I replied that I could easily dodge them and went down to Lucy's room.
Lucy's door was open some so I knocked to let her know that I was coming in and proceeded in until I could see her from around the corner of the wall on the far side of the room. As I explained who I was and that I would like to become her friend, she yelled at me and yes, started flinging items at me. I proceeded to dodge the items and in a friendly tone said I'd return tomorrow.
Well, it turns out that Lucy was the heaviest person, by far, I've ever known. She was so heavy that she could not even turn over in bed so had real bad bed sores. After a short while we did become friends and at the time I was playing racket ball every morning before the work day with a good friend from church. Because of that I had the idea of giving Lucy a racket ball to squeeze throughout the day and within a short time Lucy built enough muscle to turn over in bed, and later even get out of bed and sit to eat. We became such good friends that the staff let me in after hours to watch baseball games with her in the evenings. I even brought my daughter (who was a little Shirley Temple, with the curls and the singing talent) who brought Lucy a new stuffed monkey. The nursing staff had thanked me because Lucy went from their living nightmare to someone they enjoyed caring for. Anyway, at Lucy's funeral (I took off work for a few hours) I noticed only one nurse from the Nursing home and myself was at the funeral. Afterwards I asked the nurse what they'd do with Lucy's possessions and asked if I could stop and get the stuff monkey. I gave my daughter back the stuff monkey and she named it Lucy to remember Grandma Lucy by.
This brings up one more story with a great moral. After visiting Lucy I had found out a past neighbor of mine was also on that wing and was pretty much a living vegetable as he could not move any part of his body. Anyway, with permission one day, I wheeled him outside on a patio for some fresh air. As he sat in his wheel chair with his head back and motionless (as again he couldn't move) an airplane flew over us and I noticed him follow that plane with his eyes. He could move something!
Then again, I discovered there was a young man in a coma on another wing and I'd stop in and talk with him. The reason I did this is that I knew for a fact he could hear me as once I was in a coma and I could hear everything going on around me (loud and clear) but just could not talk or move.
More stories are flooding my mind but I only have a few more days of free so I had better get back at that.
Oh, just one more quick thought. This story has to do with this page somewhat. I am a retired Mathematition, Physicist, and Astronomer (you can probably tell that from my webpage tabs). As an Astronomer I ran across the question in the Astronomy magazine (in Ask Astro monthly section), "If there exists that many stars in the universe, why does it get dark at night?" The answer Astro gave, (which surprised me a bit) "As human history continues the night sky will continue to get brighter and brighter and brighter... as the light from further and further away stars finally arrives at planet Earth." I was thinking about this recently, and thinking, wouldn't this be a possible proof that creation happened less than ten thousand years ago and NOT that lighting hit a mud puddle that started life millions of years ago? If the stars were created that far from us and the light has to still get here compared to the heavens being here for millions of years already and mathematically you could easily prove that by now it shouldn't get dark at night as there exists way more stars than needed within a few million light years of us to make the night sky brighter than the day sky.
Note: One of the activities I'd have my Astronomy students do is figure out how many grains of sand to fill planet Earth (if it where a hollow sphere) and how many stars in the Universe minimum. Everytime we figured it out we'd arrive at 10^30 magnitude for grains of sand to fill the hollow Earth sphere and at least 10^36 minimum number stars in our known Universe. Look in the Astronomy section to locate the mathematics behind these problems.
However, after much time and effort, and not taking the same route, using my same relative in I was able to go from my Grandma Carrie all the way back to Adam & Eve this time. So now I had a complete word file (using ctrl prt sc in that I could save as a PDF file and attach it to this webpage.
How I did this in is if I came to a dead end where asked for all four sets of parents I backed up until I hit a place where I could chose a lower branch (previously always chose the top branch if I had more than one option to proceed) to see if this branch dead ended and if it did I'd back up to where I could chose a lower branch again until finally one possible route to me all the way to Adam. By the way this took hours for each my daughters side and again for my son-in-laws side.
And then I went into Ava's paternal side and again after much time and effort taking hundreds of possible routes before getting all the way to Adam & Eve again. Then I backed up to a four way branch finding two more took me to Adam & Eve so recorded them for your viewing pleasure also.
But before I let you see these four of ten of thousands of routes that should all take you back to Noah (the great flood recognized by all ancient nationalities and modern day science) and then back to Adam before the flood I want to stop and reflect about what is happening here.
When I searched the cloud for how many generations from Adam till now I ran across and John basically (after much explaination about how he arrived at this figure) said, "These make for a total number of generations from Adam to us as minimum 129, maximum 161, but as we are estimating we can allow further tolerance by rounding down and up to 120 and 170 respectively."
John MacKay also says, "Abraham was born approximately 2000 years after Adam's creation, a period covered in just 20 generations, including both Adam and Abraham." and gives his reasons of the long lifespans pre-great-flood and not having children till like 100 years old (unheard of today).
When I was figuring how many total grandparents for our infant granddaughter I knew that she has two grandparents in the second generation, and four great grandparents in the 3rd, and eight grandparents in the 4th, ect. so using this pattern she has 2^(n-1) grandparents total where n = the number of generations from our granddaughter counting her mom & dad as n = 1.
The catch is that everyone has to be related to Noah as Noah is the oldest generation to survive the great flood and his three sons and their wives. So everyone of us came from one of the three sons through Noah. Now just as the formula above exponentially increased by the power of 2 from our granddaughter, half way through the generations to Noah the number of grandparents would exponentially decrease by the power of 2. John Mackay says that the generations from Christ to today is 65 minimum and 86 maximum (we'll take the 86 maximum). To cut to the chase, here is the break up of generations between important segments all rounded up.
Today 86 generations to Christ then 55 to Abraham then 11 more generations to Noah finally 9 to Adam & Eve.
Total number of grandparents we would all have from Adam & Eve to Noah = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 to Noah's father, making a total of 46 grandparents before the great flood.
Then after the great flood to now would be 86 + 55 + 11 = 152 generations divided by 2 (explained two paragraphs ago) = 76 generations of exponential growth and 76 generations of exponential decay of grandparents. To figure this out would be 2 ^75 + 2^74 + 2^73 + ... 2^0 times 2 = 151,116,000,000,000,000,000,000 + 46 above makes
151 sextillion 116 quitillion 46 grandparents total for our granddaughter since Adam & Eve.
Did you ever hear the story about what the inventor of chess asked the king for his payment? He asked for the amount of wheat such that the they put one grain of wheat on the 1st square of a chess board and two grains on the 2nd square and four on the 3rd, and eight on the 4th, doubling each time for each of the 64 squares. "The ruler laughs it off as a meager prize for a brilliant invention, only to have court treasurers report the unexpectedly huge number of wheat grains would outstrip the ruler's resources." Again, a simular story, "I'd ask my students which payscale they'd rather have me pay them (this is back in the 1970's & 80's) for 30 days I could either #1 pay them a straight $10 per hour for eight hours a day, seven days a week, for the consecutive 30 days or #2 pay them a penny the first day, two cents the second day, four cents the third day, doubling each day for the 30 days. All my students chose the 1st payscale as they could easily see that in the first six days they'd only make 63 cents (less than a $1) for way #2 but $480 the payscale #1 method. Then I had them figure the total pay for way #1 ($2,400) and what they'd make for just the last six days for payscale #2 (well over a billion dollars). The point is that obviously Ava cannot have 2^75 (this is two raised to the 75th power) grandparents which I'll explain more further down this page.
Here are examples of some of these branch possibilities:
click here to see from my grandmother Carrie (Clark) Clark - Yager to Adam & Eve. (Note: missing our granddaughter, her mom, myself, and my mom for generations to get to Carrie (Clark) Clark - Yager.) I counted 121 generations in the file above plus my mom and myself makes 123 generations of grandparents to Noah. My research resulted in around 2 million grandparents for Ava since Adam & Eve.
click here to see from my son-in-laws grandmother to Adam & Eve. (Note: missing our granddaughter, her daddy, and her grandfather to get to Janet Burleigh) To keep the privacy of the living I deleted the 1st chart but will type the tree line followed here: granddaughter, son-in-law, his father, his father’s mother Janet Burleigh, her mom Clara M Lee, her dad Sumner Lee, his mom Abbie Josephine Tilton, and finally it picks up at her dad Jonathan Tuck Tilton below. I counted and there are 136 generations from our granddaughter to Eve inclusive.
2^136 seems way to large to me so let me think on it overnight as it takes about 1 X 10^30 grains of sand to fill a sphere the size of planet Earth and the above is 9.2 X 10^19 and the population of the earth right now on 9/24/2017 at 9:50 pm is 7,569,727,467 so that's 12,186,270,176 times the current population of planet Earth is how many total grandparents our daughter has. This does not compute to me so back to the drawing board as something is dreadfully wrong with my math? I just checked the web and the reference bureau estimates that about 107 billion people have ever lived so that's 2 ^ 36.63881984 people have ever walked the Earth in powers of 2 and they are not all my granddaughters grandparents as she only has 6 living out of 12 grandparents in the living generations today of the 7.569727467 billion people alive today.
I still could not figure out my dilemma of how many grandparents I have in the history of mankind on Earth (or my goal is how many our infant granddaughter has) so I googled it. The top site was
In the above site they explain that,
"Whoever it was probably lived a few thousand years ago, somewhere in East Asia — Taiwan, Malaysia and Siberia all are likely locations.He — or she — did nothing more remarkable than be born, live, have children and die.
Yet this was the ancestor of every person now living on Earth — the last person in history whose family tree branches out to touch all 6.5 billion people on the planet today.
That means everybody on Earth descends from somebody who was around as recently as the reign of Tutankhamen, maybe even during the Golden Age of ancient Greece. There's even a chance that our last shared ancestor lived at the time of Christ.
"It's a mathematical certainty that that person existed," said science journalist Steve Olson, whose 2002 book "Mapping Human History" traces the history of the species since its origins in Africa more than 100,000 years ago."
The article goes on to say, "With the help of a statistician, a computer scientist and a supercomputer, Olson has calculated just how interconnected the human family tree is.
You would have to go back in time only 2,000 to 5,000 years — and probably on the low side of that range — to find somebody who could count every person alive today as a descendant.
Furthermore, Olson and his colleagues have found that if you go back a little farther — about 5,000 to 7,000 years ago — everybody living today has exactly the same set of ancestors.
In other words, every person who was alive at that time is either an ancestor to all 6 billion people living today, or their line died out and they have no remaining descendants.
That revelation is "especially startling," statistician Jotun Hein of England's Oxford University wrote in a commentary on the research published by the journal Nature.
"Had you entered any village on Earth in around 3,000 B.C., the first person you would have met would probably be your ancestor," Hein marveled.
It also means that all of us have ancestors of every color and creed. Every Palestinian suicide bomber has Jews in his past. Every Sunni Muslim in Iraq is descended from at least one Shiite. And every Klansman's family has African roots."
And here is where my math above proves the above statement has to be mathematically true. Here is how the above article goes onto explain it: "
It's simple math. Every person has two parents, four grandparents and eight great-grandparents. Keep doubling back through the generations — 16, 32, 64, 128 — and within a few hundred years you have thousands of ancestors.
It's nothing more than exponential growth combined with the facts of life. By the 15th century you've got a million ancestors. By the 13th you've got a billion. Sometime around the 9th century — just 40 generations ago — the number tops a trillion.
But wait. How could anybody — much less everybody — alive today have had a trillion ancestors living during the 9th century?
The answer is, they didn't. Imagine there was a man living 1,200 years ago whose daughter was your mother's 36th great-grandmother, and whose son was your father's 36th great-grandfather. That would put him on two branches on your family tree, one on your mother's side and one on your father's.
In fact, most of the people who lived 1,200 years ago appear not twice, but thousands of times on our family trees, because there were only 200 million people on Earth back then.
Simple division — a trillion divided by 200 million — shows that on average each person back then would appear 5,000 times on the family tree of every single individual living today.
But things are never average. Many of the people who were alive in the year 800 never had children; they don't appear on anybody's family tree. Meanwhile, more prolific members of society would show up many more than 5,000 times on a lot of people's trees.
Keep going back in time, and there are fewer and fewer people available to put on more and more branches of the 6.5 billion family trees of people living today. It is mathematically inevitable that at some point, there will be a person who appears at least once on everybody's tree."
If you note the family trees I have at the top, that trace my daughter and my son-in-law sides of our granddaughter back to Adam, their ancestry merges at places well before Noah and the great flood. I also noticed when you trace any individual living today back far enough that we are all related to royality as to trace it that far back only the royality decendents were kept track of (make sense?).
Here again it took the field of mathematics to prove a fact that most living people today would deny that is: (again a quote from the above article: "..."Had you entered any village on Earth in around 3,000 B.C., the first person you would have met would probably be your ancestor," Hein marveled.
It also means that all of us have ancestors of every color and creed. Every Palestinian suicide bomber has Jews in his past. Every Sunni Muslim in Iraq is descended from at least one Shiite. And every Klansman's family has African roots."
Another way to put it is that the calculated 92 quintillion grandparents of our granddaughter is made up almost entirely of duplicates as are many of the two branches I've placed above. Here they are again so you need not scroll up.
click here to see from my grandmother Carrie (Clark) Clark - Yager to Adam & Eve.
click here to see from my son-in-laws grandmother to Adam & Eve.
Isn't math wonderful. Hopefully this can help all of us realize we are all related much closer than we ever realized and this fact can bring about lasting peace on Earth. Now if we can only stop the quarrels within our own family households for starts. It all starts by me shaking out my own front door mat.
As an Astronomer I've always told my students that if countries on Earth fought each other in war the war would stop if Martians attacked Earth as we'd have to become allies to fight the Martians. But then if another solar system (let's say the planets around Polaris) attacked our solar system the Martians & Earthlings would have to become allies. But if aliens from the Andromeda Gallaxy attacked our Milky Way Gallaxy we'd have to be allies with the Polaris solar system people and other solar systems in our Milky Way Gallaxy to fight them. But if our Virgo Supercluster of Galaxies were attacked by another Supercluster group of Gallaxies we'd have to allie again with our Virgo Supercluster...etc
I guess we have to start with getting along with ourselves (have to love yourself first) and work out from there. Time for me to love myself by taking the time to exercise my body now (even if I can only squeaze a racket ball in my hand if I am unable to turn over in bed, story in next paragragh) and plan healthy meals for my body and then I can be a much better help to the people (who even if they are strangers, are actually not strangers because we all share a common ancestry not as far back as you may think) I run across today. Have a great day, I WILL no matter what my circumstances.
OK, the story of squeezing the racket ball. Back in the 1980's, I walked from the high school I was teaching at, a few blocks to a nursing home. I walked up to the nurses station of one wing and asked which patient on their wing had no visitors (family or friends) and both nurses replied, "Lucy!" without having to give it much thought. I told them that I'd attempt to be Lucy's friend. They replied that it would be highly unlikely and that she'd probably throw items at me if I entered her room. I replied that I could easily dodge them and went down to Lucy's room.
Lucy's door was open some so I knocked to let her know that I was coming in and proceeded in until I could see her from around the corner of the wall on the far side of the room. As I explained who I was and that I would like to become her friend, she yelled at me and yes, started flinging items at me. I proceeded to dodge the items and in a friendly tone said I'd return tomorrow.
Well, it turns out that Lucy was the heaviest person, by far, I've ever known. She was so heavy that she could not even turn over in bed so had real bad bed sores. After a short while we did become friends and at the time I was playing racket ball every morning before the work day with a good friend from church. Because of that I had the idea of giving Lucy a racket ball to squeeze throughout the day and within a short time Lucy built enough muscle to turn over in bed, and later even get out of bed and sit to eat. We became such good friends that the staff let me in after hours to watch baseball games with her in the evenings. I even brought my daughter (who was a little Shirley Temple, with the curls and the singing talent) who brought Lucy a new stuffed monkey. The nursing staff had thanked me because Lucy went from their living nightmare to someone they enjoyed caring for. Anyway, at Lucy's funeral (I took off work for a few hours) I noticed only one nurse from the Nursing home and myself was at the funeral. Afterwards I asked the nurse what they'd do with Lucy's possessions and asked if I could stop and get the stuff monkey. I gave my daughter back the stuff monkey and she named it Lucy to remember Grandma Lucy by.
This brings up one more story with a great moral. After visiting Lucy I had found out a past neighbor of mine was also on that wing and was pretty much a living vegetable as he could not move any part of his body. Anyway, with permission one day, I wheeled him outside on a patio for some fresh air. As he sat in his wheel chair with his head back and motionless (as again he couldn't move) an airplane flew over us and I noticed him follow that plane with his eyes. He could move something!
Then again, I discovered there was a young man in a coma on another wing and I'd stop in and talk with him. The reason I did this is that I knew for a fact he could hear me as once I was in a coma and I could hear everything going on around me (loud and clear) but just could not talk or move.
More stories are flooding my mind but I only have a few more days of free so I had better get back at that.
Oh, just one more quick thought. This story has to do with this page somewhat. I am a retired Mathematition, Physicist, and Astronomer (you can probably tell that from my webpage tabs). As an Astronomer I ran across the question in the Astronomy magazine (in Ask Astro monthly section), "If there exists that many stars in the universe, why does it get dark at night?" The answer Astro gave, (which surprised me a bit) "As human history continues the night sky will continue to get brighter and brighter and brighter... as the light from further and further away stars finally arrives at planet Earth." I was thinking about this recently, and thinking, wouldn't this be a possible proof that creation happened less than ten thousand years ago and NOT that lighting hit a mud puddle that started life millions of years ago? If the stars were created that far from us and the light has to still get here compared to the heavens being here for millions of years already and mathematically you could easily prove that by now it shouldn't get dark at night as there exists way more stars than needed within a few million light years of us to make the night sky brighter than the day sky.
Note: One of the activities I'd have my Astronomy students do is figure out how many grains of sand to fill planet Earth (if it where a hollow sphere) and how many stars in the Universe minimum. Everytime we figured it out we'd arrive at 10^30 magnitude for grains of sand to fill the hollow Earth sphere and at least 10^36 minimum number stars in our known Universe. Look in the Astronomy section to locate the mathematics behind these problems.