Summary of this page: Now studying this page years later it looks like I was finding a way to give a word (like billion) to how many stars/moles/particles in the Universe according to both professional astrophysics and my calculations which I can prove.
Large number prefixes or this site gives how they came up with the number prefixes in the first site mentioned. The largest known number that is useful is Graham's number which makes a googolplexian infinitesmal. I think is it is cool that the Graham's number site can give the last 500 digits of Graham's number even though it is unimaginable.
From the above website I found names for some amazing facts for the world of Astronomy
The number of stars in the universe
From the above website I converted the astrophysicist number for particles in the universe to my calculation of the number of stars in the known visible universe.
Magnitudes and number of stars
From the above website I noted how many stars one can see with and without optical aid.
Dark Matter makes up nearly 90% of the universe
The Universe is 3/4 hydrogen and 1/4 helium with the rest of the periodic chart negligible.
here is some of my quick figuring for number of stars in the universe then number of particles in the universe and then number of moles in the universe that makes for one undecillion of stars in the universe and one trevigintillion of moles in the universe and one untrigintillion of particles in the universe according to my calculations. This number would be a minimum.