September 4th (Tues.) Welcome & Intro
If you missed the first day, you should read through these notes and at least fill out the Student Data questions on another sheet of paper and hand in the basket for your period on the east side of the classroom 2340 in back, as it is worth 3 points in the grade book to get the first grade started.
Einstein (White Board)
Seating order (cards Ace-6 H,D,C,S)/leave original cards at seats/collect handed out cards
Student volunteer to arrange seating order in Skyward??? Thank You!!!
Handout Planners/school calendars
My main goals this school year are:
1). Focus on BIG PICTURES each day and each unit.
2). Build a fantastic web page with short videos of all demos & labs & activities so that when I retire it is all there for young teachers that replace me. I want us to show them how much FUN learning can be, so I need your enthusiasm and your help doing this. (It also helps any student who misses a class see what was done).
Around the classroom/1st row demo boys bathroom/girls bathroom (no pass needed)/further distance YES
also demo hand-in basket/if gone extra sheets basket/returning borrowed pencil/pencil sharpener/news article on bulletin board. Refer to the PBIS “Point to Responsible Citizenship” rubric on bulletin board. We should all continue promoting responsible behaviors throughout our life. Mention virtue cards 2nd semester...
Student Data Questions to answer and hand into basket. Kept confidential - just to help to get to know you better. If you missed today, fill one out and turn in the basket ... I do make it a 3 pt. grade in the grade book to get grades started.
Handout the September Physics calendar. (Calendars for Physics 13-14 school year without birthdays)
The PASSWORD for room 2340 is just a SMILE. (Entire back row demo it.) The MAIN RULE for room 2340 is to RELAX, one thinks better when not scared. Fight math anxiety and Physics anxiety by staying calm. Take a deep breath and let it out. RELAX.
Demo 1 How fast are you? Reflexes (A 2nd row volunteer?) What is inside each 2 liter bottle ... how does it work?
Student volunteer to arrange seating order in Skyward??? Thank You!!!
Handout Planners/school calendars
My main goals this school year are:
1). Focus on BIG PICTURES each day and each unit.
2). Build a fantastic web page with short videos of all demos & labs & activities so that when I retire it is all there for young teachers that replace me. I want us to show them how much FUN learning can be, so I need your enthusiasm and your help doing this. (It also helps any student who misses a class see what was done).
Around the classroom/1st row demo boys bathroom/girls bathroom (no pass needed)/further distance YES
also demo hand-in basket/if gone extra sheets basket/returning borrowed pencil/pencil sharpener/news article on bulletin board. Refer to the PBIS “Point to Responsible Citizenship” rubric on bulletin board. We should all continue promoting responsible behaviors throughout our life. Mention virtue cards 2nd semester...
Student Data Questions to answer and hand into basket. Kept confidential - just to help to get to know you better. If you missed today, fill one out and turn in the basket ... I do make it a 3 pt. grade in the grade book to get grades started.
Handout the September Physics calendar. (Calendars for Physics 13-14 school year without birthdays)
The PASSWORD for room 2340 is just a SMILE. (Entire back row demo it.) The MAIN RULE for room 2340 is to RELAX, one thinks better when not scared. Fight math anxiety and Physics anxiety by staying calm. Take a deep breath and let it out. RELAX.
Demo 1 How fast are you? Reflexes (A 2nd row volunteer?) What is inside each 2 liter bottle ... how does it work?
Main Units we cover in the first year of SPASH PHYSICS:
Demo 2 Perpetual Machine (A 3rd row volunteer?) What is inside each metal container... how does it work?
Note to self: Video tape this demo to place on next the website.
Demo 3 Greedy Cup Demo (on teachers desk). Video tape this demo to place on next the website.
Demo 4 How Mr. Konichek siphons water out of a container (example: fish tank) without sucking on the hose. He simply fills the hose with water first with his fingers plugging both ends as he starts the siphon. Placed filled hose under the water in the higher tank being siphoned first and then remove finger at the top and then remove finger at the bottom of where you are siphoning the water to. Video Tape. Explain what makes a siphon work during the demonstration.
Story: Mechanic said when he arrived at work that morning all the gas caps were open on the auto dealers lot outside so he followed the open gas caps until he got to an old truck on the lot and he started laughing. Why was he laughing? He knew that all the new cars had siphon blocks built into the tanks so the person trying to siphon sucked real hard and got nothing each time until he got to the old truck with no siphon blockage so ended up sucking to hard and getting a lot of gas in his mouth causing him to throw up.
Story: Mr. Konichek heated the water to his kids little swimming pool by running a garden hose back and forth across the hot roof of the house, over the roofs to the pool on the opposite side and just turned the water on real slow so by the time it reached the pool it was nice and warm. To siphon he needed the hose below the small kids pool on the ground but found the lowest spot around the pool and was able to siphon it.
Story: Mr. Konichek siphoned the yucky water from his Christmas tree stand by using a cookie sheet to siphon it into as he did not want to stain the carpeting below the Christmas tree by trying to move the tree without siphoning the yucky water in the stand first. It worked!
Story: Student called Mr. Konichek one morning saying last nights downfall of rain flooded their basement and they told there dad that Mr. Konichek would know a way to siphon the water out of the basement. Mr. Konichek answered that unless they can siphon the water to a lower level than their basement, that Dad was right, one needs to power a water pump to get the water out. A siphon will not work in this case....
Story: Mr. Konichek heated the water to his kids little swimming pool by running a garden hose back and forth across the hot roof of the house, over the roofs to the pool on the opposite side and just turned the water on real slow so by the time it reached the pool it was nice and warm. To siphon he needed the hose below the small kids pool on the ground but found the lowest spot around the pool and was able to siphon it.
Story: Mr. Konichek siphoned the yucky water from his Christmas tree stand by using a cookie sheet to siphon it into as he did not want to stain the carpeting below the Christmas tree by trying to move the tree without siphoning the yucky water in the stand first. It worked!
Story: Student called Mr. Konichek one morning saying last nights downfall of rain flooded their basement and they told there dad that Mr. Konichek would know a way to siphon the water out of the basement. Mr. Konichek answered that unless they can siphon the water to a lower level than their basement, that Dad was right, one needs to power a water pump to get the water out. A siphon will not work in this case....
1. No matter what kind of day you are having, you can still SMILE. You are in charge of your feelings. :) :) :)
2. RELAX and you will learn more and enjoy Physics more. Volunteer for demonstrations, help out, be a team player, be a great lab partner, enjoy Physics! I actually get paid to have all this fun! You get to have all this fun for free now but think about how much it would cost you in college/technical school.
3. The teacher will allow you to think for yourself before giving answers. Use those brain cells or lose them.
4. Your homework for today is to figure out what makes all these demonstrations work...
5. A siphon mainly works because of fluid pressure. What makes the water flow up over the high part of the hose is mainly due to the water pressure at the entrance of the higher container is higher than the pressure at the top of high part of the hose so the water flows from the higher pressure toward the lower pressure. However, the tensile strength of water helps get the siphon going Mr. Konichek's way or you need to suck on the hose to start the siphon but my get the fluid in your mouth.
1. No matter what kind of day you are having, you can still SMILE. You are in charge of your feelings. :) :) :)
2. RELAX and you will learn more and enjoy Physics more. Volunteer for demonstrations, help out, be a team player, be a great lab partner, enjoy Physics! I actually get paid to have all this fun! You get to have all this fun for free now but think about how much it would cost you in college/technical school.
3. The teacher will allow you to think for yourself before giving answers. Use those brain cells or lose them.
4. Your homework for today is to figure out what makes all these demonstrations work...
5. A siphon mainly works because of fluid pressure. What makes the water flow up over the high part of the hose is mainly due to the water pressure at the entrance of the higher container is higher than the pressure at the top of high part of the hose so the water flows from the higher pressure toward the lower pressure. However, the tensile strength of water helps get the siphon going Mr. Konichek's way or you need to suck on the hose to start the siphon but my get the fluid in your mouth.