September 6th (Thursday) Course Policy, Outline Unit , and Intro. to Motion
If you missed today: Read through below and play all the videos. You will need to take the quickie quiz (5 pts. in the grade book) on top of a sheet of paper and do the quickie lab (10 pts.) on the bottom of the same sheet and hand in.
Introduction to Motion Day 3
Bullet Slow Motion (while taking attendance)
Hair dryer side of room fun and do the Bernoulli Salute quickly to say good-bye to Bernoulli.
Take a quickie five point quiz (9 minutes allowed)
Show the following two videos on time warp from you-tube. (Ultra Slow Show motion, and Bullet Slow motion).
Ultra Slow Shows
Show how a strobe light stops the drops in a dripping faucet.
Show how to use a hand strobe.
Do the quickie lab and hand in before leaving today. One sheet per lab group of two. Write name, period, and data table with headings and your data. (10 pts.)
Finish up pushing wooden skewers or metal knitting skewers through balloons and decorating the ceiling with them. Whoever has the air stay in the longest, gets 5 pts. extra credit. Place your name with a permanent marker (found on front desk) on the balloon and period.
Remember to dip the skewer in dish detergent or veggie oil before twirling it back and forth against the darker area at the top of the balloon and on through the darker area at the bottom of the balloon.
1. Three ways to analyze motion include high speed cameras (or shutter shooting on digital cameras), strobe lights, and hand strobe. Each allows you to slow down the motion in order to analyze the motion better.
2. The measurement lab today was to show you where to find the measurement devices in the classroom, get used to do one of seven parts of a lab (data table), get used to working with a partner, and finally realize that each measuring device is unique to what you are measuring (meaning if you measure your pencil you should use the plastic short ruler because you can estimate easily to the nearest mm where if you used the tape measure you measurement would be a lot less accurate; the tape measure is better for measuring long objects where the short plastic ruler would be impracticable.
2. The measurement lab today was to show you where to find the measurement devices in the classroom, get used to do one of seven parts of a lab (data table), get used to working with a partner, and finally realize that each measuring device is unique to what you are measuring (meaning if you measure your pencil you should use the plastic short ruler because you can estimate easily to the nearest mm where if you used the tape measure you measurement would be a lot less accurate; the tape measure is better for measuring long objects where the short plastic ruler would be impracticable.