If you missed today: December 12th, 2013 Circular Motion Homework Day
1. Students guessed at the 7th day of Physmas. Hint: Deals with colors.
2. We finished up problems 5 & 6 on the homework sheet and collected the homework sheet if students were done otherwise you may turn it in tomorrow.
3. We had Mr. Hagstrom's spinning bulbs growing since last Thursday (growing while they spun in the back room) to figure out what angle they should be spinning at and measured the angle for a picture and calculated it using the vectors involved.
4. We spun a container of water vertically showing the base pulling in on the water hard enough as the water tries to fly off the circle tangent to the circle that it can counter the gravity causing the water to fall when upside down.
5. We also showed how a handful of rocks thrown in a hubcap can temporarily balance a spinning tire until and better fix can be done.
Here is the homework done period 1 and period 2 on the smart board.
Here is a picture that Mr. Hagstrom took of the bulbs he planted last Thursday and has had it spinning since then. Note the student drew lines through the stem and measured the angle and took notes on this handout. Rotating plant period 2. And smart board notes about spinning plant both period 1 and period 8.
2013 Here is a video taken of Mr. Hagstrom's plants spinning while growing for the last week.
2012 Period 1 swinging water in vertical circle, walking chain in hallway, wine glass drop.
2012 Period 5 swinging water, dropping wine glass, marble pick up
2012 Period 7 swinging water and balancing tire
2012 8th Period all circular motion demo videos