Coyotes (we often hear them but seldom see them so now you can see them)
Late July coyote coming around water containers during the draught and the new construction, as the final HW phase, destroying much of their previous habitat. I'm pleased that we have that huge wildlife area park just north of HW.
The next two videos are May coyotes watering the deer mineral block and still other animals eat off it.
Here's a ten second coyote broadside. And for the kids, note below that a coyote's legs are longer than a fox, but the fox's tail is so much fluffier and as long as the fox's body.
There are apple quarters on the deer mineral block and a coyote eats one.
I call the coyote below, the cautious coyote, as he/she wants the banana but it seems she/he knows that they are being filmed or that it is a trap.
The coyote below, finally gets brave enough to pick up a banana and carry it away.
I think this is one of our best looking coyotes. What do you think???