If you missed today:
1. The virtue for today was LOVE
2. Went over the Objectives for the Energy Unit and assigned the first five problems on this homework sheet, to be completed by next Monday.
3. Most of the period was spent by students, in groups of two, doing the Coefficient of Restitution quickie lab. The purpose of the lab was to find the highest/lowest coefficient of restitution objects in the supplied egg cartoon. (added a 3 *** ping pong ball to the group to be tested against the 1 * ping pong ball)... Also students calculated the c.o.Restitution of at least five of the objects supplied. Purpose, procedure (diagram), data table, the one calculation, and conclusion needed. Example Coefficient of Restitution Lab
8th period demonstrates the conservation of energy with Astro-blasters.
The material below is from school year 2012-2013.
Strong man video
When are they doing work?
When are they doing work?
Coefficient of Restitution Activity
Each student got a egg carton full of different balls and calculated the coefficient of restitution. The coefficient of restitution is the square root of the height of the bounce of the ball divided by the initial height of the ball. The higher the coefficient of restitution, the higher the ball bounces. Note: the coefficient of restitution cannot be greater than one.
Each student got a egg carton full of different balls and calculated the coefficient of restitution. The coefficient of restitution is the square root of the height of the bounce of the ball divided by the initial height of the ball. The higher the coefficient of restitution, the higher the ball bounces. Note: the coefficient of restitution cannot be greater than one.
The balls with a high coefficient of restitution are happy balls
The balls with a low coefficient of restitution are sad balls
The balls with a low coefficient of restitution are sad balls
Happy ball - sad ball demo
Would a material on your shoes be better for running if they were made of happy or sad ball like material?
In this demo, the block acts as your body and the ball acts as your shoe material. Since with the sad ball the block doesn't fall over, it would be a better material because you knees are not absorbing the impact of hitting the ground.
Laying on a bed of nails
Since pressure equals force over area, you can lay on the bed of nails and not get hurt
Astroblaster demo and activity
Since we need to conserve momentum, m1v1=m2v2 and the momentum of the basket ball is transferred to the tennis ball.
Astroblaster Experiments