13 constellations on the Ecliptic?
I was surprised too, when in January of 1997, that the sun travels through 13 regions of the heavens each year.
Here are the 13 constellations that the sun passes through in 2022; and when the sun passes through them.
The 13 Regions of the Sky and the dates the Sun passes through them.
Dec 18 - Jan 18 Sagittarius
Jan 19 – Feb 15 Capricornus
Feb 16 – Mar 10 Aquarius
Mar 11 – Apr 17 Pisces
Apr 18 – May 13 Aries
May 14 – Jun 20 Taurus
Jun 21 – Jul 19 Gemini
Jul 20 – Aug 9 Cancer
Aug 10- Sep 15 Leo
Sep 16 – Oct 30 Virgo
Oct 31 – Nov 22 Libra
Nov 23 – Nov 29 Scorpius
Nov 30 – Dec 17 Ophiuchus
Dec 18 – Jan 18 Sagittarius
After a decade or more of mentioning that the Sun traveled through 13 regions of the sky each year, I ran across the following on the internet:
Old Zodiac Dates New Zodiac Dates
Aquarius: Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 Aquarius: Feb. 16 - March 11
Pisces: Feb. 19 - March 20 Pisces: Mar. 11 - Apr. 18
Aries: March 21 - April 19 Aries: Apr 18 - May 13
Taurus: April 20 - May 20 Taurus: May 13 - June 21
Gemini: May 21 - June 20 Gemini: Jun. 21 - July 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 22 Cancer: Jul. 20 - Aug. 10
Leo: July 23 - Aug. 22 Leo: Aug 10 - Sep. 16
Virgo: Aug. 23 - Sep. 22 Virgo: Sep. 16 - Oct. 30
Libra: Sep. 23 - Oct. 22 Libra: Oct. 30- Nov. 23
Scorpio: Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 Scorpio: Nov. 23 - Nov. 29
Sagittarius: Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 Ophiuchus: Nov. 29 - Dec. 17
Capricorn: Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 Sagittarius: Dec. 17 - Jan. 20
Memorizing the zodiac is important as you realize that the Sun apparent path through the constellations is the zodiac (actually it's the extension of Earth's orbit into the constellations) but ALSO the Moon and all the planets are within 9 degrees either side of the Sun's apparent path as our solar system is more 2-D (two dimensional than 3-D). When looking for planets in the night sky there are two important ways to tell a planet from a star.
1. A planet has to fall in one of the 13 zodiac constellations so if the star in not in one of these 13 regions, it cannot be a planet.
2. Stars twinkle and planets do NOT twinkle as stars are so very far away that the pin point of light traveling through Earths atmosphere carries that light left & right & back to left, etc...making stars appear to twinkle (on the Moon, stars would not twinkle as the Moon has no atmosphere) but planets are so very much closer than stars that the reflection of the Sun off the planet is a much wider stream of light so if the atmosphere carries some of the light left or right, other light can take its place and make it through so unless it is extremely volatile atmosphere; planets do NOT twinkle.
Story: How I memorized the 13 constellations of the zodiac and why it's important to know for night observation session.
Note: To memorize the order of the constellations in the Zodiac the first letters of each of the 13 are:
P, A, T G, C, L, V, L S, O, S and then repeat from the beginning.
The letters PAT spell the word pat and the first touch & feel child's book was Pat the Bunny with stars Paul & Judy and that is my & my wife's first names, in addition to, Orion and his big dog Canis Major and his small dog, Canis Minor are chasing a bunny, Lepus the rabbit, toward Eridanus, the river, and I'd rather pet the bunny than hunt it down. Anyway, PAT then Taurus is chasing the Gemini twins but if they run to fast they catch Cancer (not funny) but cancer is chasing the poor Lion, Leo, which is facing cancer, the crab, but Virgo, the virgin, is grabbing Leo's, the lion, tail but at the same time, Virgo, the virgin, is weighing herself as she stands on Libra, the scales (the symbol for justice actually but why can't Virgo weigh herself on scales) and Scorpius is trying to bite Virgo but Ophiuchus is standing on the Scorpion, keeping the scorpion from biting Virgo as she stands on the scales and Sagittarius looks like a teapot in the sky, so it appears like Sagittarius is pouring its hot water on the stinging tail of Scorpius and note that SOS means Save Our Ship and is the emergency code to tell you are in trouble. So while your SOSing think about P.A.T.ing (Pisces, Aries, and Taurus) the Bunny as Taurus is chasing the Gemini twins as they try not to catch Cancer, the crab (I like crab also), that is caught between a facing Lion and the Gemini twins, and the Lion, Leo, has Virgo, the Virgin, reaching for his tail, as she weighs herself on Libra while the Scorpion tries to bite her feet but Ophiuchus is standing on the Scorpion and Sagittarius, the teapot, is pouring it's hot water on the stinger of the scorpion and the zodiac constellation story goes round and round and round, again and again and again. Do you think you could memorize the order of the zodiac constellations in the heavens; especially now that you know that the Sun, Moon, and Planets reside in these 13 regions of the sky and NOT the 12 regions of the heavens? End of this Story of Memorizing the 13 Constellations of the zodiac and why learn we learn them.
Side Story: Why when I discovered that there are 13 constellations the Sun traveled through, I made 13 my favorite number, just so I could tell this story and #'s took over my life more and more than #'s used to.
I had always been told that the sun was in my zodiac constellation on my birthday and my birthday is June 2nd so that made me a Gemini. So, when I discovered that the sun traveled in Taurus on May 14th and stayed in Tarurus through Jun 14, that put June 2nd almost at the center of the suns journey through Taurus.
Story: The fact that there were 13 regions of the sky the sun visited throughout each year, was such a surprise to me that I made 13 my favorite number so that I could share this information with everyone.
Then I discovered that 13 was all over the place in the U.S.A. because there were 13 original colonies so 13 stripes on our flag and 13 items show up on our currency all over the place. Even the Last Supper had the 12 apostles but Jesus Christ made the 13 person. 13 is also a Baker's dozen. There are thirteen circles in the Metatron’s cube. The 13 Articles of Faith in Judaism. 13 cards in a suite in cards. And then I was born in 52 (4 sets of 13) and 52 cards in a deck of cards. 13 was coming up all over in my life but one day my son told me he was tired of 13 so I had him pick another number; so he randomly picked 9 and then 9 came up all over and then 9 * 13 = 117 came up all over and instead of stopping at 100 for sit-ups, etc. I'd continue onto 117 and then 11 is the average of 9 & 13.
In fact, after a while, I discovered that all numbers are interesting as when anyone named any number, I could find something interesting about that number, and once in awhile someone would say what's interesting about this number and even the fact that I couldn't find anything interesting about their large randomly chosen number, MADE that number interesting; which is only proof that all numbers are interesting. Hahaha
Here are the 13 constellations that the sun passes through in 2022; and when the sun passes through them.
The 13 Regions of the Sky and the dates the Sun passes through them.
Dec 18 - Jan 18 Sagittarius
Jan 19 – Feb 15 Capricornus
Feb 16 – Mar 10 Aquarius
Mar 11 – Apr 17 Pisces
Apr 18 – May 13 Aries
May 14 – Jun 20 Taurus
Jun 21 – Jul 19 Gemini
Jul 20 – Aug 9 Cancer
Aug 10- Sep 15 Leo
Sep 16 – Oct 30 Virgo
Oct 31 – Nov 22 Libra
Nov 23 – Nov 29 Scorpius
Nov 30 – Dec 17 Ophiuchus
Dec 18 – Jan 18 Sagittarius
After a decade or more of mentioning that the Sun traveled through 13 regions of the sky each year, I ran across the following on the internet:
Old Zodiac Dates New Zodiac Dates
Aquarius: Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 Aquarius: Feb. 16 - March 11
Pisces: Feb. 19 - March 20 Pisces: Mar. 11 - Apr. 18
Aries: March 21 - April 19 Aries: Apr 18 - May 13
Taurus: April 20 - May 20 Taurus: May 13 - June 21
Gemini: May 21 - June 20 Gemini: Jun. 21 - July 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 22 Cancer: Jul. 20 - Aug. 10
Leo: July 23 - Aug. 22 Leo: Aug 10 - Sep. 16
Virgo: Aug. 23 - Sep. 22 Virgo: Sep. 16 - Oct. 30
Libra: Sep. 23 - Oct. 22 Libra: Oct. 30- Nov. 23
Scorpio: Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 Scorpio: Nov. 23 - Nov. 29
Sagittarius: Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 Ophiuchus: Nov. 29 - Dec. 17
Capricorn: Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 Sagittarius: Dec. 17 - Jan. 20
Memorizing the zodiac is important as you realize that the Sun apparent path through the constellations is the zodiac (actually it's the extension of Earth's orbit into the constellations) but ALSO the Moon and all the planets are within 9 degrees either side of the Sun's apparent path as our solar system is more 2-D (two dimensional than 3-D). When looking for planets in the night sky there are two important ways to tell a planet from a star.
1. A planet has to fall in one of the 13 zodiac constellations so if the star in not in one of these 13 regions, it cannot be a planet.
2. Stars twinkle and planets do NOT twinkle as stars are so very far away that the pin point of light traveling through Earths atmosphere carries that light left & right & back to left, etc...making stars appear to twinkle (on the Moon, stars would not twinkle as the Moon has no atmosphere) but planets are so very much closer than stars that the reflection of the Sun off the planet is a much wider stream of light so if the atmosphere carries some of the light left or right, other light can take its place and make it through so unless it is extremely volatile atmosphere; planets do NOT twinkle.
Story: How I memorized the 13 constellations of the zodiac and why it's important to know for night observation session.
Note: To memorize the order of the constellations in the Zodiac the first letters of each of the 13 are:
P, A, T G, C, L, V, L S, O, S and then repeat from the beginning.
The letters PAT spell the word pat and the first touch & feel child's book was Pat the Bunny with stars Paul & Judy and that is my & my wife's first names, in addition to, Orion and his big dog Canis Major and his small dog, Canis Minor are chasing a bunny, Lepus the rabbit, toward Eridanus, the river, and I'd rather pet the bunny than hunt it down. Anyway, PAT then Taurus is chasing the Gemini twins but if they run to fast they catch Cancer (not funny) but cancer is chasing the poor Lion, Leo, which is facing cancer, the crab, but Virgo, the virgin, is grabbing Leo's, the lion, tail but at the same time, Virgo, the virgin, is weighing herself as she stands on Libra, the scales (the symbol for justice actually but why can't Virgo weigh herself on scales) and Scorpius is trying to bite Virgo but Ophiuchus is standing on the Scorpion, keeping the scorpion from biting Virgo as she stands on the scales and Sagittarius looks like a teapot in the sky, so it appears like Sagittarius is pouring its hot water on the stinging tail of Scorpius and note that SOS means Save Our Ship and is the emergency code to tell you are in trouble. So while your SOSing think about P.A.T.ing (Pisces, Aries, and Taurus) the Bunny as Taurus is chasing the Gemini twins as they try not to catch Cancer, the crab (I like crab also), that is caught between a facing Lion and the Gemini twins, and the Lion, Leo, has Virgo, the Virgin, reaching for his tail, as she weighs herself on Libra while the Scorpion tries to bite her feet but Ophiuchus is standing on the Scorpion and Sagittarius, the teapot, is pouring it's hot water on the stinger of the scorpion and the zodiac constellation story goes round and round and round, again and again and again. Do you think you could memorize the order of the zodiac constellations in the heavens; especially now that you know that the Sun, Moon, and Planets reside in these 13 regions of the sky and NOT the 12 regions of the heavens? End of this Story of Memorizing the 13 Constellations of the zodiac and why learn we learn them.
Side Story: Why when I discovered that there are 13 constellations the Sun traveled through, I made 13 my favorite number, just so I could tell this story and #'s took over my life more and more than #'s used to.
I had always been told that the sun was in my zodiac constellation on my birthday and my birthday is June 2nd so that made me a Gemini. So, when I discovered that the sun traveled in Taurus on May 14th and stayed in Tarurus through Jun 14, that put June 2nd almost at the center of the suns journey through Taurus.
Story: The fact that there were 13 regions of the sky the sun visited throughout each year, was such a surprise to me that I made 13 my favorite number so that I could share this information with everyone.
Then I discovered that 13 was all over the place in the U.S.A. because there were 13 original colonies so 13 stripes on our flag and 13 items show up on our currency all over the place. Even the Last Supper had the 12 apostles but Jesus Christ made the 13 person. 13 is also a Baker's dozen. There are thirteen circles in the Metatron’s cube. The 13 Articles of Faith in Judaism. 13 cards in a suite in cards. And then I was born in 52 (4 sets of 13) and 52 cards in a deck of cards. 13 was coming up all over in my life but one day my son told me he was tired of 13 so I had him pick another number; so he randomly picked 9 and then 9 came up all over and then 9 * 13 = 117 came up all over and instead of stopping at 100 for sit-ups, etc. I'd continue onto 117 and then 11 is the average of 9 & 13.
In fact, after a while, I discovered that all numbers are interesting as when anyone named any number, I could find something interesting about that number, and once in awhile someone would say what's interesting about this number and even the fact that I couldn't find anything interesting about their large randomly chosen number, MADE that number interesting; which is only proof that all numbers are interesting. Hahaha