Refraction Effects and the Eye
If you missed today:
1. We reviewed yesterday by looking at this Snell's Law sheet and/or Snell's Law in Wikipedia
2. We reviewed number 5 on the Bending of Light homework sheet (due this Friday) and checked out the sunset for today in site (click on Sun and look at how low the .5 degree sun is at sunset) and did one more problem on the sheet #7 or #9 or #10 depending on the class
period 1 period 4 period 5 period 7 period 8
note we also did #6 later this period.
2. We reviewed number 5 on the Bending of Light homework sheet (due this Friday) and checked out the sunset for today in site (click on Sun and look at how low the .5 degree sun is at sunset) and did one more problem on the sheet #7 or #9 or #10 depending on the class
period 1 period 4 period 5 period 7 period 8
note we also did #6 later this period.
3. Can you solve the problem of the frog jumping?
4. Then we looked at a diagram of all three a normal eye focusing on an object and nearsighted and farsighted AND then looked at how to correct nearsightedness and farsightedness to answer number 6 on the Bending of Light hmwk sheet.
5. We have a video showing how to use bottles of water as magnifying glasses