Electrophorus and Wimshirst Electrostatic Generator
1. We watched a few minute video on roller coasters because Friday of this week we are handing out the parental permission slips and starting to collect the money for the tickets to 6 Flags Great America and for the Lamers Coach Bus down there.
2. We continued working on the Electrostatic Study Sheet
3. You need to know the process of charging an object using Electrophorus
Steps for Electrophorus:
a). Rub a rabbit fur on the surface of a square piece of insulation (rubbing electrons off the fur onto the insulation)
b). Now pick up an aluminum pie pan by the styrofoam cup taped to it (you touch insulating cup so you do not touch the conducting, yet neutral, pie pan)
c). Set the neutral pie pan on the negatively charged insulation to polarize (separate the charge) the pie pan, thus the electrons are repelled to the top, leaving the positive charge on the bottom of the pie pan.
d). Ground the top of the pie pan by touch it with your finger, allowing the electrons to leave the pie pan.
e). Now pick the pie pan up again by picking it up by the styrofoam cup (now the pie pan has a positive charge because you removed electrons in the last step)
f). Now touch the pie pan to your nose while holding the styrofoam cup and place the electrons back onto the pie pan, neutralizing it again.
g). Important: Since the negative insulation is just used to separate (polarize) to neutral pie pan and electrons are just removed and added back again during electrophorus; you need never charge the insulation with the rabbit again and can repeat; setting the pie pan on the insulation to polarize the pie pan, touching the top to ground and remove electrons making it positive, picking up the positive pie pan and touching to place the same amount of electrons back on to make the pie pan neutral again. The insulation does not give up its charge, you would have to wipe your hand over the insulation to try to neutralize the insulation again.
Steps for Electrophorus:
a). Rub a rabbit fur on the surface of a square piece of insulation (rubbing electrons off the fur onto the insulation)
b). Now pick up an aluminum pie pan by the styrofoam cup taped to it (you touch insulating cup so you do not touch the conducting, yet neutral, pie pan)
c). Set the neutral pie pan on the negatively charged insulation to polarize (separate the charge) the pie pan, thus the electrons are repelled to the top, leaving the positive charge on the bottom of the pie pan.
d). Ground the top of the pie pan by touch it with your finger, allowing the electrons to leave the pie pan.
e). Now pick the pie pan up again by picking it up by the styrofoam cup (now the pie pan has a positive charge because you removed electrons in the last step)
f). Now touch the pie pan to your nose while holding the styrofoam cup and place the electrons back onto the pie pan, neutralizing it again.
g). Important: Since the negative insulation is just used to separate (polarize) to neutral pie pan and electrons are just removed and added back again during electrophorus; you need never charge the insulation with the rabbit again and can repeat; setting the pie pan on the insulation to polarize the pie pan, touching the top to ground and remove electrons making it positive, picking up the positive pie pan and touching to place the same amount of electrons back on to make the pie pan neutral again. The insulation does not give up its charge, you would have to wipe your hand over the insulation to try to neutralize the insulation again.
4. We watched a video on how to set up the Wimshirst Generator then formed a circle of students each period to discharge a few turns through the students.